Wednesday 24 September 2014

Bone Cutting For Craft Projects

Yesterday was quite the creative day.  I finally got to work with bone. First I worked on the rhythm bones I'm making out of cow rib bones. Fletcher showed me how to work the belt sander and the band saw. And I used the Dremel too.

Then while we were cutting bone, I remembered the bone I got at a pet store to make hair sticks, so I ran in the house and grabbed that and cut that on the band saw.  I just made the major cuts to separate it into 3 pieces, when Fletcher noticed it was making noise. He couldn't figure out how to fix it so I couldn't use it anymore. I used the Dremel instead to make the rest of the cuts.

Cutting bone on  a band saw.
 Crocheting gray motifs for a free form necklace.
Silver and Gray Crocheted Spiral Motif
 I've finished the top of my woven hat. Now I need to flip it over and make the brim. 
Hat weaving on cardboard

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